View Profile folf182
any problem you can't solve by yourself can be solved with either duck-tape, or a gun -me

homicide with love @folf182

Age 30, Male


In here *touches heart*

Joined on 1/18/10

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folf182's News

Posted by folf182 - March 19th, 2011

I can't decide between evolving my shiny porygon from platinum, arcade, to porygon-z, or just keeping him how he already is. there is no way I am having a porygon 2 though... It looks like a toy drinking bird, and I have weird Vietnam flashbacks about those... oh, and I am building a working lightsaber, and later, a ray gun.

porygon. with or without the z

Posted by folf182 - March 6th, 2011

I know that Pokemon is a kids game, but... dammit, it's addictive! It's both cute and cool pokemon will be my downfall (especially the shiny version of porygon... freaking pikachu)! this latest game is supposedly a well needed jump-start to the franchise. While a few features have been included, they were barely noticeable to the actual game-play. now, with a three-way battle, and an actual animated gif. during battle, It's like playing a actual sequel to the game, instead of just a re-hashed version of the previous one. As a fan of the franchise, I will obviously buy this game right now. for now, here is a ASCII of porygon that will be raped by Newground's auto edit.

a wild porygon appeared!
porygon used seizure attack!

Posted by folf182 - February 26th, 2011

FINALLY, the first step towards a flying car! I am currently driving, and saving up for one of these. 10,000$, but when I get my job, I'll probably be making 50$ a week maybe, plus the 4 or 5 thousand I have reserved in the bank should help. collage will help get a better job; they have all been spamming my email, plus the FPPCP my parents gave me will pay my way in there in case I don't get a scholarship... minus the POD list I made, which costs 1,000 dollars.... I should be able to get this car eventually if I don't spend all the money once I get it. what do you think of the terrafugia?
edit: actually, this looks a bit better. takes up less room, and I could take off from pretty much anywhere.

Posted by folf182 - February 22nd, 2011

been a while, but... well, here I am. been caught up with high school and all, so I had no time to come back on here... so... yeah... here's a list of things I did while I wasn't on:
failed the driving test
went back the next week
got my drivers licence
ordered a pair of hook swords
sent back the hook swords (due to mother)
I am grounded (due to mother)
collages are eating out of my hand
I am now what is known as a "social engineer"
I suck in Spanish... still
I played "superman 64"... my life will never be the same
I read the "sonichu" web comic... I died a little inside, but then I Lol'd
I plan to get another sword in a while
I made a jacket out of army stuffs and patches
and I now want to play on my xbox
so, how are you?

Posted by folf182 - December 21st, 2010

along with the beiber clones, I'm working on a meme-based MKIII (like MKII, but more) securitron companion for fallout new vegas. Most of the lines will be coming from here, and I'm trying my best to choose ones that WON'T be annoying after a extended period of time. you can find him by following a radio transmission that plays this song (a techno song that has gained a lot of popularity, and has become somewhat of a meme due to the many, many variations based on it). it will lead to vault LOL, where subjects were forced to watch mind-cracking videos of memes. you will find 31337-YCS in a pod on the lowest floor. Here is his dialog so far (anything without "dialog" will be said outside conversation:
win 1: HA HA!
win 2: combobreaker!
win 3: burned!
win 4: YEAHHHH!
win 6: boom headshot!
entering battle 1: LEEEROY!
entering battle 2: metal gear solid !
entering battle 3: gong
entering battle 4: It's a trap!
entering battle 5: balls of steel
dieng: Shh Ahh!
grenade: WTF-BOOM
random speech 1: trolololol
random speech 2: R2-D2
dialog (meeting): Mario
dialog (what's your purpose?): protect you
dialog ("really?"): NO
dialog (do you want to come (back) with me?): Hallelujah long
dialog (your weird, I'm leaving): Fuck off!
dialog (31337-YCS, your annoying me, your fired): chan
dialog (you heard me, get lost): star wars: NOOOOOOO!
dialog (let me see your inventory): Zelda: Item
dialog (wait here): Sad trombone
dialog (your back): hallelujah short
dialog (continue waiting): fuck of!
dialog (stop waiting): hallelujah long
dialog (oh, hey): shut up
dialog (lets go): alrighty then
dialog (keep your distance): don't go dying on me
dialog (stay close): we will stand and fight
dialog (where you are is good): this is where they die
as with advancements in weaponry, whatever the MK I's attack is, it's being tripled (since the MKII is 2.35 times more effective than MK I. As with the endurance, it'll be 1000 with a 85% damage resist (along with the auto-heal the MK IIs comes with), so it is especially handy with hardcore mode. It's also faster than the others (X1.45), and turns as fast as any other regular enemy out there (a major problem with most robots). oh, and add a YCS/186 gauss rifle for long distances. oh, and happy holidays.
unfourtunitaly, the game can't be played. I'm getting something about a redist package, and the game not being available. I had it looked at by a professional, but he basically told me that it's impossible. obviously I can't mod the game if I can't get to play it, so this will never be made, unless someone intervenes, and makes it for me. I am obviously disappointed. I will instead have new Vegas for xbox... so no modding. shame, I had such brilliant plans for this game. I was even going to fix a couple bugs the game had, like calibrating the iron sight on the recharger pistol, and the securitron's near-inability to follow you. guess that'll never happen. hopefully I'll get over it though. merry christmas anyway.

model 31337-YCS plans

Posted by folf182 - December 19th, 2010

it was.... uh.... different. I only got to see it because mom thought it was a documentary about how ballerinas work hard to get to where they are, or some crap like that... she was wrong.... I... I don't know what to say... It was like smoking like, twenty joints, somehow staying sober, but still seeing things, while watching soft-core porn... and swan lake... the actual script was decent, but... I think the director was high or drunk when writing in some of the details... I'm sorry, I'm so confused... It's hard to tell what's happening, I'm presuming she was on roofies or something, and the side effects made her do those things... if you like mind fucks, I'd recommend it to you; if not, stay away... god, I need a drink.

Posted by folf182 - December 14th, 2010

look at it

Posted by folf182 - December 11th, 2010

I'm so bad :3


Posted by folf182 - December 7th, 2010

too much Justin Bieber. speaking of the anti-christ, I'm planning on making some mods to fallout NV, including our least favorite pedophile, Justin Bieber. yup, Justin Bieber in fallout. Vault-Tec cloned him, in made up vault 23, and much like 108, all the clones went mad. you can find him throughout the wastes as a random battle. I'll do it maybe. inspired by:

/* */
and like the vid, you will gain karma per Bieber. any other suggestions?

Posted by folf182 - December 3rd, 2010