FINALLY, the first step towards a flying car! I am currently driving, and saving up for one of these. 10,000$, but when I get my job, I'll probably be making 50$ a week maybe, plus the 4 or 5 thousand I have reserved in the bank should help. collage will help get a better job; they have all been spamming my email, plus the FPPCP my parents gave me will pay my way in there in case I don't get a scholarship... minus the POD list I made, which costs 1,000 dollars.... I should be able to get this car eventually if I don't spend all the money once I get it. what do you think of the terrafugia?
edit: actually, this looks a bit better. takes up less room, and I could take off from pretty much anywhere.
They have something better out there. Forgot what it was called, but it's more compact, and you don't need those giant ass bulky wings. It works with four powerful turbines instead. It even looks a lot better. Maybe research "science channel jet car." I would do it for you, but I'm much too lazy.
hmm... I recall seeing a helicopter car a while back...