well, If your a hardcore portal fan like me, you can't wait for a certain game to come out with at least a better release date than "2011". that's right, Portal 2. When I first got that Game informer issue on my door step, I passed out from shock, waiting for an intubation associate to revive me with peptic salve and adrenaline! SO, I will get all the known movies of portal, and provide a commentary about them, and then, I will give you a link to a couple of downloads to make your computer sound like it came fresh out of Aperture Labs.
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So that song "Still alive" DID have some meaning to it.... knew it from the beginning. anyway, might I just say: AWESOME. I honestly thought she'd try to kill me, since I killed her while trying to kill me. maybe Chell will escape this time around? she came close last time. I just wonder if there will be a portal 3? it's possible. well, lets just take this one step at a time till then.
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this guy is basically your guide through the first couple of levels. as you can hear, he has a sweet accent, and he's similar to the companion cube (rip). lets just hope GLaDOS doesn't want you to incinerate him too. since he let Chell out, GLaDOS will either be really mad, or glad for him.
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something that flings you in the air over hazzard water? sure! why not? It'll be challenging to control the portals at least.
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Lazers, Lazers are always awesome. hey! that means the portal gun can be an effective weapon too! just pop the portal at someone's feet, and they will actually die instead of fall with a chance of dieing, depending on how high the other portal is. sweet!
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isn't asbestos toxic? aw, who cares? this has some potential. I wonder what will happen if you cross the beams? will it be similar to the explosion in ghost busters, let you through anyway,or will it make a continuous loop?
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a non-racist vacuum that sucks up everything in sight? sweet! obviously the most efficient way to clear a room. it also looks like the turrets don't shoot at the glass when they see you anymore. How GLaDOS made them not do that in the short amount of time she woke up, I'll never know.
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Great! now midgets can reach the top shelf with ease! if Aperture made a transparent version, someone could use it as a pretty funny prank. I already have some ideas.
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Now your thinking with slippy stuffs! I'd like to see a swimming pool filled with this stuff, and see if the effects can still work. I'd also like to trick someone into eating it.
I had a portal themed house, radio, gun, turret (out of ammo, since those things are non-discriminatory of what they shoot at, but still look at you), weighted companion cube, ect. I mean, It's possible to get a Aperture labs house. they made plenty of props, I could make the simple stuff like this and this, and then buy furniture that fits with the style. I can make the wall panels one by one. I'll do that when I move out.
even though the portal gun is white, it looks pretty good in black
the portal gun should come with a scope. think about it, if it can be used for military purposes too, you could send the baddies to an incinerator from a distance.
note that neither of these are mine, they were made by "The_Lost_World" at myaperturelabs, but they turned my laptop into GLaDOS, which is cool. ya might wanna read the "READ ME" text file. this isn't automatic. these only work for windows XP, and vista, but you MIGHT be able to edit them to fit if you have something else.
http://myaperturelabs.com/download.php ?id=80
http://myaperturelabs.com/download.php ?id=77