View Profile folf182
any problem you can't solve by yourself can be solved with either duck-tape, or a gun -me

homicide with love @folf182

Age 30, Male


In here *touches heart*

Joined on 1/18/10

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Posted by folf182 - February 15th, 2010

I've been wondering... Do you think I should make a audio story... thing... It's gonna be like a audio diary, but they will be kinda like the ones you find around rapture, but it'll be the test subject talking. I think it'll be a good idea, but what do I know :P
edit: i'm so fcuking stupid. I forgot that I have no audio equipment X3 it wouldn't have worked out anyway because I don't realy have that good a voice for him anyway. it'll be typed I guess. I supose I should add a picture for you all too... It'll be here soon I guess. I'll also draw Dr. Rose (the one running the tests) bfn.


fuck you....

Well that's not very nice considering I don't know you. Your probably just spaming people or something, so yeah, I take no offense.

ya u can like listen to it in 10 years from then ............good shit

Yeah, and I'm thinking the scientist can have a bit of a report in the author's coments.

I lost.

The game

^ CRAP!!!!! ;_;

I like the idea.

Thanks! ^^

It was surprizingly boring.

You were on a adventure?

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the game ended! 3:

What game? Dodgeball? I like dodgeball! *throws fireball at deathcross's face* YOUR OUT! :3

.... no one notice I leave. No one notices WEEGEE!!!!!
Oh, one thought. Not to sound like a douche bag here, but instead of spamming the art portal you should spend more time to make a really high quality master peice. Most of your newest arts seem rushed and therefor lacking. It seems as though you prefere quantity over quality.
That could just be theaspestos in me wall finally getting to me.... oh well.

I wouldn't call it spaming, stuff on MS paint is spamming. But your right, I've been half assing. The I hate one was just for laughs though... I'm actually trying on these new ones this time :3

Well I figure at least one master piece would get you started off pretty well. The more time you spend on one thing, the more ways you can make it. There are a thousand ways to draw different things. If you half ass it you could never know how to improve. I dont know, I just get like this when I see art, all critesism, few pros. Sorry If I always seem negetive with art.
Then again, its probably just the aspestos again.
*licks wall*
Tastes like Dr. Pepper ever since that can exploded every where!

I'd lick the walls too, but... Yeah...

*dives past fireplace while shooting at folf*

*every shot misses*

*i accedentally fall into fireplace*

oh btw, you should try combat arms sometime.

Uh... Fail X3

Combat arms is pretty fun. I heard they added another zombie mode. I haven't played it in months. The only flaw is how people who pay get better weapons. I practiced really hard with knife battles so that I could beat the ninjato noobs to prove that skill beats the ninjato. The challange was to beat a person with ninjato and kill him 5 times in a row and I won NX points. I would definetly try it though folf.

I really need to play that :(

Oh, and the best part about it. If you kill some one by shooting them in the crotch you get a "nut shot". Like a headshot, only they roll around on the ground in pain and everyone sees it. Its really fun, especially if your a sadistic basterd like me!!!
(And if you stab them with a knife in the nuts its even funnier)

... You mean i get a actual reaction to the nut shots I give out every two seconds?! WHERE THE FCUK IS MY DEBIT CARD?!?!?!!

*sets his nuts on fire* now we're talking! >:D

<a href="http://combatarms.nexon.net/">http://combatarms.nexon.net/</a>

....is this a dream? :D

I have a question for you.
Why did kamakze pilots wear helmets?

They don't, they actually wear headbands. But if they did, it would be to stop bullets

Okay, another question. why is there artificial lemon flavors in food but actual lemon in cleaning products?

They use artificial lemons in foods because it's cheaper, and real lemons in cleaning stuff because of the natural acids that help clean stuff, the artificial lemons don't have it.

Well played.
If you are in a vehicle traveling faster than the speed of light, what happens if you yurn on the headlights?

The light goes back, kinda like in the commercials

It doesn't go back it can only radiate, but I guess that can slide. -_-
If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

Nothing. You see, space is basically nothing (not including the planets), and galaxies are moving away from each other, the farther they move away, the bigger the universe

Thats debatable.
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?

It doesn't, it's just in the pan, proventing things from sticking.... I think, I don't know what it is, so I just guessed. It's like Pam, right?

Teflon is the black stuff in on pans that prevents food from sticking to the pan.
Why is it that to stop Windows, you have to click on "Start"?

Because "start" contains: log off and shut down

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