View Profile folf182
any problem you can't solve by yourself can be solved with either duck-tape, or a gun -me

homicide with love @folf182

Age 29, Male


In here *touches heart*

Joined on 1/18/10

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Why is the man who invests all your money, called a broker?

The guy who came up with the name is a idiot.

Why was bioshock 2 delayed?

They wanted to change the antoginist

Why did bioshock even need a sequel? The ending was, well, an ending.

Because It was so popular

If you put buttered toast on a piece of paper, then got in a station wagon and got it up to 50 miles per hour, then droped the toast and paper over a brige you were driving over, and the river that it fell into was polluted, how long will it take for the paper to be recycled into the bible?

Not enough data. If the paper is toilet paper, it'll disolve. How populated is the area affects it. So does the time and date, the number of people watching, and how much people care. The paper might stay there from a minet, to forever.

Why is asbestos so furry and pink?

It's all in the genes

Who invented the word "meme"?

The British scientist Richard Dawkins.

How did Sarah Palin get out of the cage?

She was never in one. She wouldn't have been able to buy a tux if she was a animal... Although she is almost as scary as a water balloon.

Question spam blitzkrieg.
What another word for "thesaurus" and "synonyme"?

There is none

its called an audio book

K .

Why do they use sterilised needles for death by lethal injection?

Because all the needles are sterilised

I feel as though this one isn't a question, its more of a joke....
If someone with a split personality threatens to commit suicide, is it a hostage situation?

No, just a suicide

If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?

About -30

Why is there an eject button on the VCR remote?
Don't you have to get up to get to the tape?

Because... I guess to save time and eject it while walking over there.

What do you do when you discover and an endangered animal that only eats endangered plants?

Clone the plants

Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

... No?

Why is chinese food so delisious? Same for Dr. Pepper.

Cause it tastes good to people.

I just got Bioshock 2.

Say hi to stanley poole for me.



Actually hes a douche, its better he doesn't know you.

... So... Did you kill him, or decide he's not worth the ammo?

I got one little sister left before that. I stoped playing so meh. I didn't kill GRace though. I think they made big daddies too easy to kill now. I just freeze them and drill, and keep refreezing them and there dead before I use a quarter of the drill fuel.

Well, it gets better once you see Elinor.

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