well, I've bought a microphone... surprisingly cheaper than what I would've payed for. just 10.99. anyway, I'm going to try to come up with a script now. messed around with the preloader too.
any problem you can't solve by yourself can be solved with either duck-tape, or a gun -me
Age 30, Male
In here *touches heart*
Joined on 1/18/10
Posted by folf182 - April 13th, 2010
well, I've bought a microphone... surprisingly cheaper than what I would've payed for. just 10.99. anyway, I'm going to try to come up with a script now. messed around with the preloader too.
Interesting story youve got there i look forward too seeing it
Thanks! I look forward to you seeing it :3
Wow I hope your flash is awesome!
wow, Thanks! ^^
heheh, cool!
good luck on the flash, bro!
oh btw, check out this site: <a href="http://www.accursedfarms.com/">http://www.accursedfarms.com/</a>
their videos are AWESOME. made me laugh my guts out.
LOL, nice pic.
Whats he saying, though? It's driving me insane not knowing.
I have told you
does it say "imma firin mah lazor"?
nope, but i'll give you a hint:
check your inbox
That is HILARIOUS. I've gotta make a pic like that some time.
Lmao nice meaning
(to both)
thanks! I could make one for you if you want
About new profile pic: The haitr kind of ruins it.
haitr? do you mean hair? and how?
thanks anyway though but ill stick with my weegee/MJ pic
okay.... It is kinda funny :3
Yes I mean hair, and it ruins it because the eyes are in poportions to if the erm.. thingy .. well it looks like a cat dog. Regarless, eyes are in poportions to if it was turned slightly and the hair isn't. Everything else is styled 3D-ish (even the backround) but the hair isn't. Its like its stuck in 2D. Also one ear is longer than the other.
really? cause I think that the whole folf is 2D......... and yes, one ear is longer.
Idk, maybe its just my brain fucking with me because of backround.
mabey.... try editing out the background in paint or something.
Lol nice preloader
so you have any ideas for flash movies?
folf182 (Updated )
thanks, it was pretty easy when I messed around with the newgrounds preloader's parts. Oh, and: http://folf182.newgrounds.com/new s/post/456051 that explains the flash series I'm working on, and I'm coming up with a couple of sketches.