Well, its basicly a glitch cluster fuck. All you need to know.
any problem you can't solve by yourself can be solved with either duck-tape, or a gun -me
Age 30, Male
In here *touches heart*
Joined on 1/18/10
Well, its basicly a glitch cluster fuck. All you need to know.
Mkay. by the by, have you played fallout NV?
Although I did play checkers that one time.
well have you seen the talking kitty?
Rich basterd, I only get 5 bucks for every A, forget about B's. But yeah, honors math and science, almost failing both, and spanish 4 also close to failing. But, my mom's kinda a push over so I dont need grades up to be getting mah games. Good chance I wont be getting new vegas, but will be getting assassins creed, black ops (after the fanboys stop jizzing in their pants over it and its cheaper), and maybe black ops for the wii FOR THE LULZ, seriously, have you ever played any online games for wii? They never update the glitches! Its just one big fucked up glitch war, who ever has the best one wins! One guys floating in midair, another is under the map, some guys out of bounds, its friggin awesome.
I usually use the online coupons for my games. usually find one that knocks a 30% off. also, I can't get my wii to find the wifi. checked pretty much every aspect of what it could be, but if just couldn't connect. even got some guy to take it apart, but he said that the receiver's broken. So I guess I can't really say anything about multi player games for the wii.