I never killed a companion cube, ever. I don't even own Portal.
*drinks Dr. Pepper*
Iv'e come to exept being on fire.
And I could explain to you about how priests love little boys, but I believe that is a story for another day.
any problem you can't solve by yourself can be solved with either duck-tape, or a gun -me
Age 30, Male
In here *touches heart*
Joined on 1/18/10
I never killed a companion cube, ever. I don't even own Portal.
*drinks Dr. Pepper*
Iv'e come to exept being on fire.
And I could explain to you about how priests love little boys, but I believe that is a story for another day.
Yes you have! You have that aperture science leg brace thing on your leg! And the fact your out here means they at least put you through the companion cube stage... Liar! You lie more than GLaDos, Liar...
Oh, no thats not the aperture science leg brace, I'm just under house arrest for kicking those orfans. I would've gotten away with it too, if it were'nt for those medeling goldfish.
Then why is it going up your calf and has a aperture science logo on it... And can withstand the fire?
Because thats the company that makes tracking braces. They're the only company that can make good fire, proof tracers now- a days.
Oh, and BTW. don't knock it till ya try it.
*shoots babies and old people with paintball gun*
Hey, all I said was with paint ball guns >:3
oh, and...*upturns xxxMike to reveal heal, xxxMike gets wind knocked out of him from fall* why does it say "aperture science leg brace; can survive falls of over 10 miles and automatically points itself to the ground while in the air" on it?...
hes just trying to help you.
and you know spambomber.
Well, I don't mean to be rude or anything... Is he new or something?
Because I'm a profecional skydiver and they were courtious enough to give me a brace that is resistant to falls.
Then why does it say "test subject 037" on it?
They re-use braces. I'm not the first skydiver under house arrest you know.
... That's unlikely. You can't take it off. It attaches to your bone and up to your spine to reduce shock. They wouldn't have givin it to you if it was just house arrest, or your job.
hes been here as long as ive been.
yet newer then me.
Oh, okay
Yeah, but this isn't the first time I've been under house arrest. And last time I sawed off the brace, so now they got pissed and attached this one to my leg. They REALLY don't want me kicking more orfans.... or getting drunk again.... and kicking more orfans...
... Then they wouldve painted over "test subject 037" face it! You euthinized your companion cube just like the rest of us!
Why would they paint it over?
My dad got a used car that was from some sort of governmental facility wich transported people. (The windows don't role down all the way and other shit like that) They had stickers to give the number of the car, that being said they never removed the sticker. If a government facility won't even bother to take off a sticker they wouldn't paint over it. (True story, I am not bullshiting you, its number 176)
... Because that's a car, and this is a leg brace.
*kicks folf in the balls and he falls into a coma then i piss on a unicorn with lazors*
*unicorn stabs then frys supersonicfan1, I wake up five mins later* ugh... Wha? Where's this pool of blood coming fr- oh, there... Remember kids, even if they made stuffed animals of them and are pink, white, ect. and are beloved by little girls everywhere, unicorns with lazers are the world's most dangerous preditor on the planet.
*cough* PENIS. *cough*
No sir, penicorns are the third most dangerous animal on the planet.
Oh teh noez i felled!
Well, ya shoulda listened to me ^^
dude.... the emoteicon is fucked up.
Exactly! :3